The Pygmy Marmoset.

The pygmy marmoset is a tiny primate that is native to rainforests of the western Amazon Basin in South America.
At just 100 grams, the pygmy marmoset is known to be the smallest known species of monkey in the world.
It averages at about 15cm in height with a 20cm long tail behind it.
The pygmy marmoset has sharp claws which make it excellent at climbing trees and the long tail of the pygmy marmoset gives this little monkey fantastic balance when jumping between tree branches.
The low weight of the pygmy marmoset allows the pygmy it to reach the canopy of tree tops, a place where many of the larger species of monkey cannot reach.
They are also able to turn their heads 180 degrees, an adaptation which allows them to scan the environment for predators while vertically clinging to a tree.
Read on via Amusing Planet – Amazing Places, Wonderful People, Weird Stuff.

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